NEWS ITEM: Charges Against ND88 Dropped by Prosecutor as Requested by the University of Notre Dame
The St. Joseph County Prosecutor Michael Dvorak has agreed to drop the charges against the 88 people arrested for peaceful protest in prayer over the awarding of an honorary degree to President Barack Obama at the 2009 University of Notre Dame commencement. The protest was over Notre Dame's contravention of the US Conference of Bishops' 2004 policy against Catholic Universities awarding honors to those supporting policies not in accord with Church teaching. The fine legal work of the Thomas More Society was responsible for this hard fought legal victory as Notre Dame was looking at a lawsuit as the deadline for filing approached.
Bill Dempsey (ND Class of 1952) and his gang at the (Sycamore Trust) and Dr. Charles E. Rice (Professor Emeritus, ND Law School) were hugely supportive in rallying troops to support the ND88 in their long battle.
Check out Dr. Rice's book ("What happened to Notre Dame"), which details the University's descent into secularization. His book is for sale at Amazon.